Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't deny.....SoaD

I like to look up the meanings of my dreams. Last night I slept at R. and kept having crazy dreams.
D1. Rings on every finger and occasionally I would have to go look for them cause they would fall off. Random people would hand them to me, but the rings were kind of like the person. They were all different shapes and sizes. I had them on b/c of a movie or something?
Meaning: "To see a ring on your finger in your dream, signifies your commitment to a relationship or a successful new endeavor. It also indicates your loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities, and beliefs. " Also- "To dream that you lose a ring or someone has stolen your ring, suggests that you will lose something or someone near and dear to you.
To dream that you receive a ring, denotes that your suspicions and worries over you lover will end. You will come to realize that he is true to his heart and will devote himself to your interest."
I can see how this fits into my life. Roommate madness, loosing friends, new boy.... interesting
d2: I was outside and a huge spider came flying around me. I total freak out about insects especial flying things. Naturally I was completely stressed and scared. In the dream I just stood there and let it bite me. It put its creepy legs around my head and bit the top of my head.
Meaning:" To see a spider in your dream, indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or that you may want to keep your distance and� stay away from an alluring and tempting situation.� The spider is also symbolic of feminine power. Alternatively, a spider may refer to a powerful force protecting you against� your self-destructive behavior." Also-"To dream that you are bitten by a spider, represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship."
So yet again it is the roommates showing up in my dreams again. The dominant female is not my mother but one of the girls in my apartment. hmmm
D3 Holding for dear life onto some type of wagon w. 6 men ranging in age and being taken to some unknown location. They seemed to be moving or sending something to someone. We went through a very residential area. When I got off the wagon I was lost and freaked out.
Meaning: "To see a� wagon in your dream, is symbolic of difficulties. It also signifies your thrifty nature and your unwillingness to take risks." Also- " To dream that you are lost, suggests that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. Alternatively, you may be trying to adjust and get accustomed to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing."
I have truly lost my direction in life I have no idea what I'm doing and I have no ambitions.
The roommates stuff are my difficulties and they drain me of every ounce of energy.
D4 Creepy dream. I followed the life of a woman who had children and a busy life. I don't think I was actually in the dream, just observing. Inside the house there were a set of stairs that went to a room that the mother was in. The grandmother went upstairs and got the mother who kept saying that she just lost her 10 year old daughter. The next moment the grandmother looked at her daughter and said she's been dead for 4 years. The mother continues to loose her mind and go crazy.
Meaning: Numbers first always important if you can remember them correctly
Four: "Four denotes stability, physical limitations, hard labor and earthly things, as in the four corners of the earth. It also stands for materialistic matters. You get things done. "
Ten: "Ten corresponds to closure, great strength, and gains."
This kind of follows a movie I watched the other day, so I think the numbers are only significant.
Basically I think I have to work hard to fix and make closure of the roommate situation, because I'm not stable right now.
I have to go to class and my computer is dying so I'll continue later.......
Dream definitions: Dreammoods.com


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